Donate Now

We request all philanthropists and Donors to come forward to assist us by giving donations in bulk amount to implement above plan. If you area taxpayer in India, all donations to Shri Pragna Chakshu Mahila Seva Kunj (Regd.A CTF/ 615/Amreli and Society Regd.No.Guj/654/Amreli) are l00% tax exempt unders section 35AC and 80-G (50%)of the Income Tax Act.

Our PAN Card No: Irure doloribus sit

Bank Details For Indian Donors:

Bank Name A/C No. Branch Address IFSC Code
Kyle Bradley Quis mollitia deleni Delectus eos et id Accusantium voluptat
Kylie House Aliqua Ut rerum a i Ex minim vitae natus Id aut quod necessit

Bank Details For Foreign Donors:

Bank Name A/C No. Branch Address IFSC Code MICR Code
Emerald Melton Sit id aliquid pos Optio et voluptas c Dolorum sed totam no Est voluptatem aut a
A/C Name. FCRA Code SWIFT Code
Blake Frazier Quis sed fugiat aliq Laboris perferendis